2025 E-Week Premium Packages  (Note:   If you wish to pay via check, please contact Dawn Vernon at dvernon@bmbi.com). image.jpg

2025 E-Week Premium Packages (Note: If you wish to pay via check, please contact Dawn Vernon at dvernon@bmbi.com).

from $3,500.00
Proclamation Breakfast, 2025 Young Engineer of the Year Award, and Engineer for a Day Program E-Week_Thumbnails_Backside.jpg

Proclamation Breakfast, 2025 Young Engineer of the Year Award, and Engineer for a Day Program

from $25.00
Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament (supporting TSPE Bexar Chapter and SHPE Scholarships) OIP2.jpg

Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament (supporting TSPE Bexar Chapter and SHPE Scholarships)

from $75.00
Target Shooting Tournament and SEAoT Social Dinner CITY SCAPE.jpg

Target Shooting Tournament and SEAoT Social Dinner

from $40.00
Inaugural Doubles Pickleball Tournament CITY SCAPE.jpg

Inaugural Doubles Pickleball Tournament

from $150.00
Honoring Past Presidents Luncheon product-pages_rev1-01.jpg

Honoring Past Presidents Luncheon

from $40.00
Annual E-Week Golf Classic OIP.jpg

Annual E-Week Golf Classic

from $50.00
"Pi" Miles 5k Family Fun Run/Walk & Costume Contest OIP3.jpg

"Pi" Miles 5k Family Fun Run/Walk & Costume Contest

from $35.00
Engineer of the Year Banquet & Casino Night product-pages_rev1-01.jpg

Engineer of the Year Banquet & Casino Night

from $150.00
ANGEL of E-WEEK:  Direct to Scholarship Sponsor product-pages_rev1-01.jpg

ANGEL of E-WEEK: Direct to Scholarship Sponsor

from $0.50